
2024- April 

Our March meeting was a big success at our new location at the law offices of Knobbe Martens, 3579 Valley Centre Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130. Jason Jardine covered why getting protection by a patent was still worth the time and treasure.

At the April meeting, Hudson Taylor will give an overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how AI can assist inventors in their ideas.

Our Inventor Spotlight section will feature the success of one or more long-time inventors that hold many patents.  If you would like to share your success at a future meeting, please let us know.For new attendees at each meeting, SDIF board member, Michele Nash-Hoff, also gives a brief update on the work of US Inventors to restore patent rights since the organization was founded in 2014 after the America Invents Act of 2011 destroyed the patent system as we knew it, especially by the creation of the Patent Trial and Review Board (PTAB) that has been invalidating up to 84% of patents in the past couple of years.  US Inventor is the only organization representing small inventors, businesses, and startups to enact change that supports these groups, and it has grown to about 87,000 members over the past couple of years.  If you haven’t already signed the Inventor’s Rights Resolution, you can sign here.

SDIF President's Message 
Inventors are supposedly masters of creativity and there are many attempts to define what creativity really is.  It can be described from many different angles.

Let's focus here on one aspect of creativity, very popular among inventors, which is mixing/assembling known components and combining/putting them together in novel ways.

In my opinion this whole area of creativity is being taken over by AI very rapidly. Other aspects will follow - it's only a question of time. However, do not despair! Not all is lost! Don't be left behind! Learn how to use AI and make it your ally and friend!
Attending inventors meetings regularly will help you stay focused and sharpen and update your strategy.

See you at the meeting.
Greg Wawrzyniak