2024 - March
Our February meeting was back to having a good number of attendees, both repeat and new. Our March meeting will be at our new location at the law offices of Knobbe Martens, 3579 Valley Centre Drive, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130
The March meeting will be focused on Protection and featured a presentation on “What is the use of the patent? by Jason Jardine of Knobe Martens. Because of a recent trend towards invalidation of patents during post grant procedures at the patent office or during litigation, our meeting will include a lively discussion of how patents can still be useful in small businesses.Our Inventor Spotlight section will feature the success of one or more long-time inventors that hold many patents. If you would like to share your success at a future meeting, please let us know.
For new attendees at each meeting, SDIF board member, Michele Nash-Hoff, also gives a brief description of the disastrous effect on inventors’ patent rights created by the America Invents Act of 2011, especially by the creation of the Patent Trial and Review Board (PTAB) that has been invalidating up to 84% of patents in the past couple of years. At January’s meeting, she briefly described the work of US Inventors to restore patent rights since Paul Morinville founded the organization in 2014. US Inventor is the only organization representing small inventors, businesses, and startups to enact change that supports these groups, and it has grown to about 87,000 members over the past couple of years. Please support the Inventor’s Rights Resolution, which you can sign here.
SDIF President's Message
Inventors have to have the drive to succeed, grit and perseverance. "Would like" and "it would be nice" have to be dropped from their vocabulary. "Focus" has to shift to the very forefront, but how can we focus on a moving target? How can we "keep our eyes on the ball”? Then, we realize that it is impossible to devote 100% of your time to all things that need to be done to get closer to your goal(s). This way "Strategy" becomes the only thing that will save us. Coming up with a strategy is not an easy thing and it definitely takes time, a lot of time, out of our schedule. Then the question arises - what is the right strategy?Attending inventors meetings regularly definitely helps with staying focused and sharpening and updating your strategy.
See you at the meeting.
Greg Wawrzyniak
2023 Board Members and Committee Members
Attending inventors meetings regularly definitely helps with staying focused and sharpening and updating your strategy.
See you at the meeting.
Greg Wawrzyniak